Dayira is a show created by Aïcha Aouad, French choreographer leading the company Rose des Vents. This calendar features 12 original pictures from the live show, taken during its first presentation in Morocco during the festival Karacena and in France during the biennal of arts and culture of Aix-en-Provence.
Size: DIN A4 (21 x 29,7cm - 8,3 x 11,7 inches)
13 Pages: Cover + 12 months
One black and white picture per month - printed on white 250g paper.
Calendar period: January to December.
Days of the month in English (Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su).
– A French version is available here.
Calendars are shipped from the Netherlands as registered letter in a sturdy enveloppe to ensure they
arrive in perfect condition. Orders are printed on demand and are shipped in approximately 4 business days.
Price: 29,90 € including VAT, excluding shipping costs.